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Wall Painting Activity

Joel Chang

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

When I first learnt about the wall painting activity, I was apprehensive to sign up for it as I wasn’t sure if I could contribute sufficiently. The activity sounded novel and interesting, but I wasn't sure if I was up to the task. After all, this seemed to be an uphill task – how could I help to beautify a public space when I am just a novice and a secondary school student? Upon much deliberation, I decided to take up the challenge. We were supposed to work in groups, and I was sure that some of us would be more experienced and more professional than me. Despite my inexperience, I saw the chance to stretch my limits and to challenge myself to try out this new task. I saw it as a learning experience and was happy that I was able to also contribute to the community at the same time.

When I arrived at the venue, I was surprised and glad to know that the fellow volunteers were really kind and friendly. Although we belong to different age groups, nationalities and gender, we were able to work happily and amicably together. Although they were more experienced and older than me, they were down-to-earth, amiable and welcoming. I distinctively remembered that the leader, Mdm Aparna who is a professional artist, selflessly imparted her knowledge on arts to me, teaching and guiding me throughout the activity. Her patience and guidance helped me learn a lot and immensely ameliorated my artistic abilities. She was also very caring and always kept a lookout for her fellow volunteers. She even brought biscuits and snacks to share with the volunteers. Although we made mistakes in our drawings at times, she did not show her anger but reacted in kindness and patience instead.

Upon hindsight, I am glad that I signed up for the activity. It was truly a fruitful and memorable experience for me. I certainly had fun and enjoyed myself. This wall painting activity helped to spark a fire in me to try drawing and painting more, which is coincidentally a hobby which I thoroughly enjoy. Secondly, I met many kind and friendly people from different walks of life and backgrounds. Lastly, this activity allowed me to give back to the community by livening up the dull walkways of the HDB flat with vivid and beautiful drawings. Knowing that I might have brightened up someone’s mood gives me an indescribable sense of joy. If I were given the opportunity to participate in such an activity again, I will definitely sign up for it.

- Joel Chang

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