Lend a helping hand to Snehwan, India
Snehwan is started by a passionate young fellow at the age of 26, by quitting his high-paying I.T. job, This residential project houses and supports the overall development including education, nutrition and health of 50 children of farm labourers and children of farmers who have committed suicide due to debt and poor financial standings.
Celebrate your or your loved ones' birthdays, anniversary or remembrance days by sponsoring a meal for the snehwan boys or by sponsoring education of one of the boys. The average expenditure on the education and related expenses of these children is approximately INR 30000 per child. The expenditure on the food of these children is approximately INR 10000 per day (2 meals). You can choose to sponsor multiple days' meals. or just lunch or dinner INR 5000.
You can also donate any ad hoc amount of your choice and it will be used towards the expenses of running Snehwan.
If you wish to donate in currencies other than INR, please reach out to or to Nalini +65-92957000 or Asmita +65-81686142 and we will assist you.