The children’s day event was a blast. It was my first-time volunteering for such a community service event, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a calm and beautiful day which set the perfect atmosphere for the celebration. Everything was very well planned by the organizers and thus, everyone was clear about what was to be done.
There were numerous stalls, each boasting its own creative activities. The stalls included face painting, batik painting stalls and the fun and exciting games stalls included games like sack in the hole, toss the ring, hit the tower, and flip the bottle. Other than these, there were also food & beverages stalls, snacks like swiss rolls and cookies which were sponsored by BAH volunteers and candy floss, chicken nuggets and other food items by PAKSI, loved by children. The main aim and objective of the event was to make every little soul happy by exciting and engaging activities. Packed gifts were lined up to be given to the kids every time they excelled in a game.
The place was teeming with my excited co-volunteers, who couldn’t wait to lend a hand and of course, there were plenty of children of varying ages who were eager for the event to start. I was volunteering in the hit the tower booth, thrilled to get such an opportunity.
The event started with an eye-catching choir performance by the Wellington Primary students, and everyone applauded heartily at the end of it. Then, everyone came to the stalls. Within minutes, all the booths were inundated with people, waiting for their turn to get a face painting done or to play a game. The center of attraction was the bouncy castle installed right in the middle and the children absolutely loved it, with many going on it more than five times!
The children loved the sight of the towers falling upon being hit by a ball on our stall and many of them came again and again so they could strike the tower and see the tower of cups crash down. It was tiring work picking up the cups and setting them up again but then I was also rewarded by the looks of content and euphoria on the faces of the little ones after succeeding in their tasks. Upon receiving the gift, they were on cloud nine. Time flew and I couldn’t believe it when it was time to pack up.
Post this, there was magic show which captured the attention of everyone. The tricks performed by the magician left everyone in awe and everyone was genuinely impressed.
I had a great time and learnt things along the way. I learned that these few precious moments of joy and happiness can play such an enormous role in our well-being. These moments might seem inconsequential when one looks at the larger picture but the key role that the feeling of bliss plays is indispensable. The pure expression of innocent glee that lit up the eyes of the kids could melt even the hardest of hearts and possessed the power of healing all. I realized that as we grow older and our life tends to become ever intricate, we crave for those seconds which had seemed insignificant earlier. The looks of incredulous joy on the children’s faces were a sight to behold. I know that I will never forget this unique, fun, and enriching experience.
You can catch a photo glimpse of this event here.